
Fotos de drones de la naturaleza

En respuesta a la pandemia de COVID-19, implementamos una moratoria de viajes para el personal y los periodistas colaboradores en marzo de 2020. En la práctica, esto significó que dejamos de asignar historias que requirieran viajes y disuadimos enérgicamente a los periodistas de realizar viajes informativos. Hicimos esto porque reconocemos que los viajes ponen a los periodistas en un gran riesgo potencial de contraer la enfermedad, además de convertirse en vectores de propagación del virus a las comunidades que visitan, especialmente a las comunidades indígenas aisladas. Sin embargo, nuestra red internacional de colaboradores y personal nos permitió responder a los cambios en las condiciones locales en ciertas geografías.

Esta política significó que mi único viaje internacional ocurrió antes de la pandemia, cuando me reuní con Mongabay-Latam en Colombia e hice una breve visita a la región fronteriza Colombia-Brasil-Perú en la Amazonía. Por lo tanto, la mayoría de los aspectos más destacados de los drones naturales que se presentan a continuación son de ese viaje o cerca de mi casa en California.

Espero que disfrutes.

Zacambu river and an oxbow lake in the Peruvian Amazon
Zacambu river and an oxbow lake in the Peruvian Amazon
Waves breaking on a beach in California. Photo by Rhett A. Butler.
Waves breaking on a beach in California. Photo by Rhett A. Butler.
Amazon rainforest in Brazil
Amazon rainforest in Brazil
Sea turtle in the Pacific.
Sea turtle in the Pacific.
Flooded forest in the Amazon
Flooded forest in the Amazon
California redwood trees
California redwood trees
Devil's Peak in California
Devil’s Peak in California
Rainforest creek in the Colombian Amazon
Rainforest creek in the Colombian Amazon
Pine forest in the Sierra Nevada
Pine forest in the Sierra Nevada
Sunrise over the Amazon rainforest
Sunrise over the Amazon rainforest
Rainforest tree with magenta flowers
Rainforest tree with magenta flowers
Agriculture and trees in California
Agriculture and trees in California
Sunset in the Amazon
Sunset in the Amazon
Blackwater oxbow lake in the Amazon
Blackwater oxbow lake in the Amazon
Lake in the California Sierra Nevada
Lake in the California Sierra Nevada
Flooded forest in the Amazon
Flooded forest in the Amazon
California redwood trees in San Mateo County
California redwood trees in San Mateo County
Rainforest creek in the Colombian Amazon
Rainforest creek in the Colombian Amazon
Rainstorm over the Amazon river
Rainstorm over the Amazon river
Canopy of a California live oak forest
Canopy of a California live oak forest
Javari river in the Amazon
Javari river in the Amazon
Clouds reflected in a blackwater oxbow lake in the Peruvian Amazon.
Clouds reflected in a blackwater oxbow lake in the Peruvian Amazon.
Devil's Peak in California
Devil’s Peak in California
Fork in the Zacambu river in Peru
Fork in the Zacambu river in Peru
Sunrise over the Amazon
Sunrise over the Amazon
California redwood trees
California redwood trees
Rainforest in the Colombian Amazon
Rainforest in the Colombian Amazon
Amazon sunset
Amazon sunset
Canoe in the Zacambu river
Canoe in the Zacambu river
Sea turtle in the Pacific.
Sea turtle in the Pacific.
Javari river where it forms the border between Peru (left) and Brazil (right).
Javari river where it forms the border between Peru (left) and Brazil (right).
Sunrise over the Amazon
Sunrise over the Amazon
Bend in the Javari river
Bend in the Javari river
Sunset in the Amazon
Sunset in the Amazon
Bend in the Javari river
Bend in the Javari river

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